Sunday, October 08, 2006

Words Seem Too Cheap (For Mom & Dad)

It's Thanksgiving day (In Canada) and we all know what that means... "Turkey!"... Well, yes that's what comes to mind when I think of this day, but there's more to it. This is a day where we are reminded to be intentional in our gratefulness. It's a time to reflect on what we are truly thankful for (there is more to this day, historically speaking, but that's not what this blog is about).

I'd like to dedicate this blog to my parents... because when thinking of what I'm most thankful for this day, it's my parents. I don't often tell them how much they mean to me, but I want them to know how much I love and admire them. I know that a stupid little blog cannot do justice to a life of self-sacrifice, dedicated to the raising of two (sometimes ignorant and selfish) young men (sorry Nick), but I'm going to try.

My parents are both very unique and wonderful people. They're very much a part of who I am and who I will become... and for this I'm thankful.

My dad is my hero. He's everything that I wish to be as a man... He's always been my protector, provider, mentor, coach, and friend. He's a strong man with a hard work ethic... He can fix anything... He has a very sharp mind, unwaivering convictions, and a strong sense of morality... He puts his family and friends before himself. He's the type of man who'll bend over backwards for you, whether you're family or not... He's very funny and playful... He's good with kids... and I know he cares about his family, friends and coworkers very much.

From my dad, I've inherited a sense of adventure, my competitiveness, my athleticism, my ability to reason (math skills), my sense of right and wrong, my love for rock n' roll, and my desire to see a job done well. Most of the things I really love to do are things my dad taught me (or forced me to do at a young age): waterskiing, fishing, dirtbiking, hockey, baseball, soccer, full-contact basketball (hahaha) and the list goes on... He has also tried to teach me to fix cars, dirtbikes, and streetbikes, but I'm a slow learner.

My dad has always taken very good care of the things he's been given dominion over, which includes his many vehicles, house, property, etc... But more importantly his wife, and two boys. He's always made sure we have a good meal, and warm place to sleep. (Not everyone has that, and I've been extremely blessed)... Dad, I want you to know that I love you very much and thank you for the life you've given me... I hope one day I'll be a hero to someone as you are to me!

My mom is my kindred spirit. I'd have to say that if I was only allowed one friend in this world, it would be her... She's always been my comforter, provider, confidante, personal tutor, and friend. I've always felt a deep connection with my mom, and sometimes I feel like she's the only person who understands me. She's a beautiful and gentle woman... She pours herself into the things she does, whether it is work, church, family, or friends... She's a worrier, but that lets us know she loves us... Like my dad, my mom is very funny and playful (even though we tend to give her a hard time sometimes, sorry)... Kids love my mom (especially little girls and babies)... My mom wants the best for the people around her, even if it means sacrifice on her part.

From my mom, I've inherited my smile, my sense of curiousity, my sense of balance (this requires an explanation, but not here), my need to please others, my playfulness, an appreciation of R&B and jazz music, and my ability to understand other peoples' perspectives. When being pushed to try something new, if my dad was the "motivation", my mom was the encouragement... She also taught me important lifeskills like making my lunch for school, doing laundry, writing papers for school, and cooking... She's tried to teach me to bake as well, but I'm a slow learner.

My mom has always displayed a strong sense of duty to her husband and two boys... If this isn't love I don't know what love is... She's always put us before herself, making sure we always have clean clothes and a full belly... Mom, I want you to know that I love you very much and thank you for the life you've given me... One day I hope to marry a woman who is my kindred spirit as you've been!

I could say a lot more, but I'll never fit it all on one blog. One thing I know is that I'm incredibly blessed to have parents that are not only my guardians, but also my friends... Thank You!